Responsive web design on mobile devices phone, laptop and tablet pc

Meet our new team member, Amanda Wyckoff

We’re very pleased to introduce you to Amanda Wyckoff, the newest member of the HDG Team. Since joining HDG, Amanda has been focusing her efforts on web design, front-end development, and coding…

HDG is moving

We’re moving to a new location!

Howard Design Group is growing - so much so, that we’re in need of a new space. After 28 years at 20 Nassau Street in Princeton, NJ, we are excited to announce that Howard Design Group is moving.…

New York Life Brochures

World-Class Brochure, Rapid Turnaround, Very Happy Client

We recently completed this project for our new client, Eagle Strategies LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of New York Life. They were delighted, and we are excited to share our success story with you.

Polar Bear swimming

Philadelphia Zoo Launches Its New Website

We were thrilled to be chosen as the design team for this project, and delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Philadelphia Zoo and the web development team at Weblications.

Color swatch on designers desk

HDG is growing! We welcome another graphic designer to the team.

We are delighted to welcome Mazie Contreras to Howard Design Group. A talented young designer who enjoys multitasking, Mazie will fill a dual role as designer and production assistant. In a nutshell,…